Sunday, December 30, 2007

Shallow Life

Do we walk the streets where glass is shattered
to avoid the highways in which traffic flows?
the stops lights are now spelling out my name
so I walk along until there's no more red
I chatter my teeth in intense conversation
while I wear my heart right out on my sleeve
I'll cover it with a jacket so no one will ask
if I'm uncomfortable with the way I live

Do we build skyscrapers to compensate for something less
or is it all a big plan for something more?
it's too big to express, but we do our best
so we continue to build and build and build
the clouds are now our neighbors up in this height
and I can see the faces that form within them
they stare a blank until I focus on shadows
scoffing at me as I play my songs

swallow the knife of the shallow life
I'm hovering like a duck in the water
but the wolf is waiting for me on the waters edge
and I don't see him leaving anytime soon
so I'll sink and drown so I won't have to face him

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